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Ten years ago, I took a trip with my friend, Murray Thomas, around

Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. It was a poetry reading series with a

number of stops along the way: Flagstaff, Norwood, Teluride, Boulder,

Lafayette, Denver, Pueblo, Las Vegas and Albuquerque (with numerous

house readings as well). It was quite an adventure!

As to the video, this was our reading with Tony Moffeit at a coffeehouse in

Pueblo, Colorado. Tony was the feature and Murray and I were the opening

acts. Tony performed much of his poetry as a poetry shouter, much like Big

Joe Turner was a blues shouter. As I recall, it was on Halloween and some of

the patrons were dressed up in full regalia. I was doing my best imitation of a

Beatnik while Murray was dressed as a Hawaiian tourist complete with

Hawaiian shirt, shorts and flip flops (even though it had been snowing and

was very cold).

I had asked Tony if I could sit in with the guitar player (Rick – I don't

remember his name) and Tony was delighted. So this is the setup. I hope you

enjoy it.

RD. Armstrong

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Written while listening to a Howlin Wolf Channel...

I was watching a guy on You Tube

he was a big old country guy

working on a 1947 Studebaker

parked in a field for seventy years

She hadn't run since '75 but he

was determined to bring her back

and after tweleve hours or so he did

and she purred like a good ol' gal

I've got a couple of good ol' gals

who still purr when I'm around

one lives in New Mexico

the other lives in Los Angeles

I love them dearly

tho our love is platonic

but hey that's better than

no love at all

They are still running strong

and older than that '47 Studebaker

even tho both the Studie and

one of my good ol' gals are

held together with “baling wire”

I still like the way they're put together

come to think of it I like the way

all my good ol' gals present themselves

to me it's a miracle that anyone

could care about a rag-tag old man

who continues to hold onto the dream

of being a poet once more.

RD Armstrong

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I blew into town on a Western wind

It was a gentle breeze in Blythe

But it picked up speed as I crossed

Into Arizona

It dogged me like a hungry coyote

Trailing me waiting for me to get careless

But I wasn't falling for it

I looked like a rube but I knew my

Way around and I'm smarter than I look

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